Become a Member of POLAR Legal Defense Fund
There are no dues or fees to join.
Help us preserve and protect our beautiful state. You can join the cause to stop further destruction of Michigan. Please fill in the information needed below to join POLAR LDF. Members will receive information on meetings, fundraising, and updates on the case as it progresses.
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Brandon Township - MPSC Law Judge has ruled Enbridge needs to obtain Consents from townships.
Canadian Oil Pipeline Company Enbridge disregards Michigan Constitution and Highway Act
POLAR (Protect Our Land And Rights) is a non-profit legal defense fund established by concerned landowners whose mission is to provide assistance to landowners facing condemnation of their property. POLAR seeks to defend such landowners from companies that are seeking to take their land for purposes that may be harmful to the environment.
You can do your part to help by joining us or making a donation today! Your support is greatly appreciated. There is no minimum donation.